From: Attila Nagy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Performance tuning hints of gigabit networking?
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 11:18:48 +0100 (CET)

> Hello,
> > 3. Usually thttpd use mmap() for caching contents in memory. Our
> >    service file(only static files) varies from 10k ~
> >    300Mbytes. Sometimes thttpd denies request with 500 internal error,
> >    resetting mmap() buffers.
> I faced that problem years ago, contacted the authour, who said:
> "don't serve big files with thttpd, use something else"

Yes. thttpd tries to mmap() everything, when memory is full, it
releases all mmap()'ed entries, and reload again. That's why I try
thttpd patched to use sendfile() instead of mmap().

CHOI Junho <>     KFUG <cjh at>
FreeBSD Project <cjh at>        Web Data Bank <cjh at>
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