On Fri, Jan 03, 2003 at 12:04:59PM +0200, Pekka Nikander wrote:
> Eric Masson wrote:
> > Seems pretty close to what OpenBSD has implemented, except they don't
> > use the stock loopback interface.
> > 
> > Their enc(4) driver is a software loopback interface :
> > 
> Thanks for the pointer!
> > It's used in src/sys/netinet/ipsec_input.c to impersonate the incoming
> > interface just as you did in your patch.
> > 
> > I'd like to know whether there would be any interest in associating a
> > different interface to each incoming SPD entry or just use only one
> > interface for all incoming SPD entries ?
> Well, IMHO the best way would be to have a separate interface
> for each tunnel end point.  That would allow most fine grained
> control, and would be easiest to understand.
> Perhaps something like the following:
>    ifconfig enc0 up
>    ifconfig enc0 netmask
>    ifconfig xl1 netmask
>    setkey -c << EOF
>    spdadd any -P in
>           ipsec esp/tunnel/XXX-YYY/require;
>    spdadd   any -P out
>           ipsec ESP/tunnel/YYY-XXX/require;
>    EOF
> Even better would be if you could use just on IP address
> instead of having a separate address at the tunnel
> interface and another one at the internal network interface,
> but I'm not sure if that would work.

Because of the way IPsec and ipfw/ipfilter interact, I've
moved to the following workaround:

    ifconfig fxp0 $my_internal netmask $my_internal_netmask
    ifconfig gif0 create \
                  tunnel $my_external $peer_external \
                  $my_internal $peer_external

Now I use transport mode instead of tunnel mode between the two
external IP addresses:

    setkey -c << EOF
    add $my_external $peer_external ah spi1 -A hmac-md5 key1;
    add $peer_external $my_external ah spi2 -A hmac-md5 key2;

    add $my_external $peer_external esp spi3 -E blowfish-cbc key3;
    add $peer_external $my_external esp spi4 -E blowfish-cbc key4;

    spdadd $my_external $peer_external ipencap -P out ipsec

    spdadd $peer_external $my_external ipencap -P in ipsec

The 'ipencap' in the spadd lines causes only traffic in the gif tunnel
to be affected by IPsec, you could also use 'any' here to encrypt/sign
all traffic.

Now all tunnel traffic (in and out) passed gif0 where I can use ipfw
and/or ipfilter.

Although this is not the solution to your problem, it shows a
behaviour close to what you want I think.

I'd love to see ipsec evolve in a way that I don't need gif tunnels
anymore so I like the enc0 interface concept but then I'd suggest
that IPsec automagically create route entries from the spadd lines
such that also outbound traffic passes enc0.

> When IPsec is not used or properly configured, the enc
> interface could be just a black hole, discarding any
> packets that are not processed and tunneled by IPsec.
> With the received packets, the IPsec code would need to
> go through the configured enc interfaces, and find one
> where the source address would match...
> Now, all this has one not-so-good design aspect:  in a way
> you need to configure the tunnel twice: once the enc
> interface, IP addresses and routing etc, and a second time
> set up the proper IPsec SPD entries.  Perhaps the enc
> interface could be even more intelligent, and set up default
> SPD entries based on routing tables???
> --Pekka Nikander

Paul Schenkeveld, Consultant
PSconsult ICT Services BV

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