Hi all,

I'm seeing something strange here...  I have a freebsd box running 
iperf (4.6-RELEASE-p1, iperf 1.6.2 with pthreads patches).  When 
attempting to use a 1MB tcp window, the box won't put more than 256kB 
in flight after the first connection to a given host.

I seem to remember hearing/reading/whatever that freebsd keeps track 
of congestion stats for a route in the kernel routing table and 
primes the congestion window for new sockets to the same destination 
with the previous values (thus eliminating a congestion avoidance 
cycle on each new socket).  High-bandwidth connections between the 
hosts in question (the other is a linux box of indeterminate recent 
version) do hit congestion the first time.

However, in this particular case (since this is a test machine that 
we use to diagnose network problems) I'd like to be able to turn it 
off.  I didn't see anything in sysctl that looked obvious, but I'm 
perfectly willing to believe I missed it.

So, can this be turned off?  Also, what is the timeout on this data 
in the kernel?



Eli Dart                                          Office: (510) 495-2999
NERSC Networking and Security Group               Cell:   (510) 703-4508
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory             Fax:    (510) 486-4316
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