Luigi Rizzo wrote:
> Andre,
> could you briefly comment how the new libalias+natd differ
> (or are planned to differ) from the old one -- e.g. do
> they implement keepalives, move-to-front of sessions in the
> hash chains, fixe to known bugs in the old one ?

The new one has a way more powerful configuration syntax and
supports new modes like aliasing to more than one outside

> One common complaint with the old libalias is that
> performance tends to trash with time -- this seems to be
> due to the very long timeout (24hrs ?) for sessions, coupled
> to the fact that newly created sesssions are appended to
> the end of the hash chains so over time the lookup times
> tend to become larger and larger.

This hasn't been fixed yet.

> One easy fix to this behaviour is to move to the front of
> the hash chain a session descriptor upon a successful lookup.
> This keeps fresh sessions near the head of the chain while
> stale ones drift towards the end.

We'll do this.

Could you have a more detailed look at the new natd maybe?


>         thanks
>         luigi
> > Hello all
> >
> > In the FreeBSD May-June 2002 Status Report we have announced a natd
> > rewrite to make it's configuration options more powerful and support
> > more ip addresses to nat to.
> >
> > The first functional preview is available here:
> >
> >
> >
> > Please check this out and test it with real traffic. We'd appreciate
> > any feedback about the syntax and any bugs. It'll get some more style
> > treatment before declaring it for full public consumption.
> >
> > Next in row is the tcphostcache in a couple of days. After that the
> > new routing table is coming.
> >
> > --
> > Andre
> >
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