On Tuesday, July 16, 2002 1:10 AM, Song Bo Run [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> Hello, Guy
> Here we are encountering almost exactly the same problem as you are,
> except that we are using OpenBSD. We have ported Luigi's polling code
> to OpenBSD 2.9 and are using fxp driver. Our testing attack is just ping
> -f with 65500 bytes data.
> We notice that mclfree is bad when the system crashes. It seems that the
> card write to a freed cluster, because the mclfree is always 0xa020xxxx
> when crash. 0xa0 is exactly (FXP_RFA_STATUS_OK|FXP_RFA_STATUS_C).
> We can 100% crash the system if we boot the system while doing the
> attack.
> So we guess that under heavy system bus usage (we guess that during
> system startup, VM system must be very busy faulting) the Intel NIC will
> do something wrong.
> Has your problem solved under FreeBSD 4.6-Release? I just test 4.6, it
> does not crash. Maybe the attack is not strong enough. I'll do more test
> later.

Over the past few days I have been testing polling with fxp on FreeBSD
4.6-stable (as of a week ago) and it has not crashed at all under the
various heavy loads under which 4.5 would crash.  Before 4.6-RELEASE, Luigi
mentioned to me in an email that he had received a patch from someone that
fixed the problem and that he hoped to check it in before 4.6 was released.
I didn't notice anything in the CVS logs but Luigi might have committed that

> Guy Helmer wrote:
> >
> > I am encountering a problem in the fxp driver that seems to be exposed
> > enabling polling under high packet load (~12000pps).  I have been
> > corresponding with Luigi regarding this problem but would like to see if
> > anyone else might have any ideas that could help.
> >
> > I'm using FreeBSD 4.5-stable kernels on two completely different
> > platforms, a P-III 800 Intel ISP1100 and a homebrew Celeron with an
> > EtherExpress Pro-100B.  Both machines panic with the same results.  The
> > machines panic with a kernel page fault, usually right after I enable
> > polling but sometimes the machines will keep running until I do some
> > I/O-intensive tasks or run "top".
> >
> > There usually isn't an IP address on the fxp interface, but the
interface is
> > UP and listening to packets in promiscuous mode.  I have verified that
> > crashes do occur when there is an IP address on the interface and when
> > interface is not in promiscuous mode.
> >
> > I noticed that after the kernel page fault trap occurs, fxp0 is sending
> > same bogus frame (containing junk) every millisecond or so.  I don't
> > understand why fxp0 is sending anything because the machine shouldn't be
> > transmitting anything on that interface.  I have the exact same code
> > on a system that has a SIS interface, and that system runs fine.
> >
> > The crash occurs in line 1847 of if_fxp.c: MCLGET(m, M_DONTWAIT) (in the
> > expansion of MCLALLOC()).  It looks like there is a bad index generated
> > mtocl(_mp) when "mclrefcnt[mtocl(_mp)]++;" is performed.  mclfree is
> > 0xc0306524 and mbutl is 0xc0306578 after the crash.  I think there is
> > free mbuf list corruption triggered somewhere else in the driver, but I
> > can't find anything in if_fxp.c that looks suspicious.
> >
> > Backtrace:
> > fxp_add_rfabuf(c04e1400, c04e2900) at fxp_add_rfabuf+0x9f
> > fxp_intr_body(c04e1400, e0, 3, 0, 5) at fxp_intr_body+0xd8
> > fxp_poll(c04e1400, 0, 5) at fxp_poll+0x9a
> > netisr_poll(c026b4cf, bfbf002f, bfbf002f, bfbf002f) at netisr_poll+0x16b
> > swi_net_next() at swi_net_next
> >
> > Registers:
> > eax: 0x01bfb12
> > ecx: 0xa026b000
> > edx: 0xc04d7000
> > ebx: 0xc052ae00
> > esp: 0xc3cdbf1c
> > ebp: 0xc3cdbf2c
> > esi: 0x660c00
> > edi: 0xc052ae00
> > eip: 0xc0137d87
> > cs: 0x8
> > ds: 0xc0190010
> > es: 0xc3cd0010
> > fs: c04e0010
> > ss: 0x10
> >
> > ...

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