Archie Cobbs wrote:
>>I looked briefly at ng_mppc but and was under the impression it needed a 
>>ppp node above it. The packets I'd like to feed to an encryption node 
>>are UDP (and soon TCP and IP). Or am I wrong?
> In reality you can feed it anything you want. It's not PPP specific.
> You would however have to rig up a node that handles packets going
> out and returning on the same hook (ng_bpf(4) could be configured
> to do this).

OK, I'll look into it. Or I'll try to find an undergrad to build 
ng_blowfish :-)

As an aside, do netgraph interfaces have problems with multicast? I've 
seen crashes using both mrouted and pim6dd when I had a netgraph 
interface configured. I'll try to produce a dump next time.

Lars Eggert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>           USC Information Sciences Institute

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