
> I was just discussing this with people here at USENIX and I'd like to
> start the process for committing this.

Oh, gee, thanks :) but, i'm not so sure about committing. There 
are several important bits and pieces that needed to be done. First
of all, i do want to see properly tested code with all documentation
in the tree. I cannot say this about current snapshots.

Things that MUST be fixed *before* commiting (IMO) sorted by 

- Documentation, examples & man pages
- Multiple control hooks for HCI/L2CAP nodes
- HCI/L2CAP tools
> Do you think it deserves a separate directory under netgraph,
> or maybe a netbluetooth directory.

I'd rather not put it under netbluetooth, because it is a Netgraph
specific code. It probably makes sense to put it somewhere under
netgraph directory.
> the documentation needs to be made 'commit-ready' too, as well as some
> examples ready to put in /usr/share/examples/netgraph.

yeah, i know... i really should spend some time and write all


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