χ Fri, 07.06.2002, Χ 16:33, Christophe Prevotaux ΞΑΠΙΣΑΜ:
> As I have said before I am using VLAN on FreeBSD ,which is obviously
> 802.11Q, connected to a switch configured with VLAN 802.11Q ports attached
> to the FreeBSD Box on one side thru the ethernet interface of that box.
> On the other side on the same swtich I have vlan ports (802.11Q obviously)
> which untag packets and deliver them to the boxen behind these VLAN
> here is a small picture (I hope this does not gets mangled)
>                         802.11Q
>                            |
> --------------+       +--vlan1--+         +-------------+
> | FreeBSD Box +- fxp0-+--vlan2--+---Port1-+ Switch      +--port4--Host3
> --------------+       +--vlan3--+         +---+------+--+  vlan3
>                                               |      |     802.11Q
>                                             port2  port3
>                                             vlan1  vlan2
>                                            802.11Q 802.11Q
>                                               |      |
>                                               |      +---Host2
>                                               |       
>                                               +---- Host1
> fxp0 has IP in a /24
> vlan1 has no IP
> vlan2 has no IP
> vlan3 has no IP
> Host1 has an IP in the same /24 as the fxp0 
> Host2 has an IP in the same /24 as the fxp0
> Host3 has an IP in the same /24 as the fxp0
> 802.11Q untagging is done at the port2 , port3 and port4 of the switch
> I add route using the "-iface" option of the "route" command in order to
> obtain a route that point to each vlan.

please, send me 'netstat -rn' 

> All of this works under Linux but not under FreeBSD
> I hope this clarifies what I am trying to do
Vladimir B. Grebenschikov

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