Archie Cobbs wrote:
> I don't think you can have a point-to-point interface who's
> remote IP address is also local to your box. In other words,
> this may not work on the same machine but it might work if
> you use two different machines... can you try that?

The addresses of the point-to-point interface aren't local to the box, 
the encapsulation ones are. I do this all the time with gifs and tuns, 
and it works fine.

Anyway, I tried it with two machines, and I see the same thing happening:

Ping packets originating on the client make it over the TCP tunnel, and 
the server sends something back (ICMP reply, I from the looks of it). 
However, the data gets dropped somewhere after the bpf dumps the packet.

Ping packets originating on the server never enter the tunnel, and I see 
"ping: sendto: Socket is not connected".

A UDP tunnel (like in your example) works fine between the same machines 
using the same addresses.

Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help track this down.

Lars Eggert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>           USC Information Sciences Institute

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