
> It is true that JUNOS is more or less FreeBSD. But it's only the control
> plane. All the switching and stack processing happens on the line cards
> which have their own CPUs and OS.
You are wrong :)

That FreeBSD has many things to do. But it doesn't really involved (in a
direct way) in packet forwarding, that's true.

Juniper did a great job with this router. Just take a look at T640. It's
a beast and it is controlled by a FreeBSD box. Nice to see.

BTW, I wouldn't call JUNOS a rewrite of FreeBSD. They just (re)implemented
the needed functions and kept what was suitable in FreeBSD. AFAIK this
wasn't much kernel space, but user space. (just take a quick look at the
output of
> show system processes
on the system below l/p: guest/guest).

telnet olive.labs.pulltheplug.com 22
Connected to 209-9-44-210.sdsl.cais.net.
Escape character is '^]'.

Isn't that OpenSSH vulnerable to multiple root exploits? ;)

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