-----Original Message-----
From: Mire, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 10:19 AM
To: 'Scott Ullrich'; 'John Angelmo'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: "dynamic" ipfwnice project page, does it do anything?-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Ullrich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 5:23 PM
To: 'John Angelmo'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: "dynamic" ipfwCheck out http://www.bsdshell.com 's EtherFirewall project. It will allow you to maintain Mac addresses with your IPFW rules.
Now regarding the hostname to ip address conversion for firewall rules. I have a feeling it is translating the IP address at the time of entry so this is not really going to work for your round-robin situation. EtherFirewall is the clear choice for this.
Good luck!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Angelmo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 1:40 PM
> Subject: "dynamic" ipfw
> Hello
> I have a small problem with IPFW
> How can I handle adding and removing rules based on IP/MAC per user?
> I can add a rule for a specific IP/MAC without the need to
> flush but can
> I remove it in the same way?
> now lets say I have a user that only needs access to it's mailserver
> mail.user.com with pop3 and smtp
> then the rule for pop3 would be something like
> add allow ip from mail.user.com 110 to IP/HOST (MAC dosn't
> work here right?)
> Now mail.user.com uses runrobin so the IP changes from request to
> request but dosn't the IPFW resolve the IP when its added to
> the rules,
> how can this be solved for the user?
> /John
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Title: RE: "dynamic" ipfw
do you mean by does it do anything? Currently all three projects are
working and we are in the process of finishing new verisons.
- "dynamic" ipfw John Angelmo
- Re: "dynamic" ipfw Crist J. Clark
- Re: "dynamic" ipfw John Angelmo
- Re: "dynamic" ipfw Crist J. Clark
- RE: "dynamic" ipfw Scott Ullrich
- RE: "dynamic" ipfw Mire, John
- RE: "dynamic" ipfw Frans ter Borg
- RE: "dynamic" ipfw Scott Ullrich
- RE: "dynamic" ipfw Mire, John