On Wed, 17 Apr 2002, Mark Filipak wrote:

> Hello All!

> I just installed GallantWEB. It is a pre-configured version of FreeBSD
> 3.3 that acts as a gateway/firewall/server. It is up and running but
> doesn't recognize my D-Link DFE-530TX+ ethernet cards.

The RL driver supprts this card..
from teh 4.5 rlease notes:

RealTek 8129/8139 Fast Ethernet NICs ( rl(4) driver)

         Accton ``Cheetah'' EN1207D (MPX 5030/5038; RealTek 8139 clone)
         Allied Telesyn AT2550
         Allied Telesyn AT2500TX
         D-Link DFE-538TX  <-----------------------------(**)
         Farallon NetLINE 10/100 PCI
         Genius GF100TXR (RTL8139)
         KTX-9130TX 10/100 Fast Ethernet
         NDC Communications NE100TX-E
         Netronix Inc. EA-1210 NetEther 10/100
         OvisLink LEF-8129TX
         OvisLink LEF-8139TX
         SMC EZ Card 10/100 PCI 1211-TX

> What I have to work with
> ========================
> I have the full FreeBSD 3.3 distribution (6 discs) from Walnut Creek.
> I have C source code and makefile for the D-Link DFE-530TX+ ethernet card. It was 
>written for Linux. The name of the driver source code is Rtl8139.C.
> I have Greg Lehey's book: "The Complete FreeBSD".
> I also have the full FreeBSD 4.0 distribution (4 discs) from Walnut Creek, but I 
>don't want to tackle that right now and would like to get 3.3 fully functional first.

the driver was added for release 3.1
support for the Dlink  was added at version 1.58
see note:------------------------------------------------------------
Revision 1.58 / (download) - annotate - [select for diffs], Wed Feb 21
20:54:21 2001 UTC (13 months, 3
weeks ago) by wpaul 
Branch: MAIN 
Changes since 1.57: +8 -6 lines
Diff to previous 1.57 (colored)

Big round of minor updates:

- Use pci_get_powerstate()/pci_set_powerstate() in all the other drivers
  that need them so we don't have to fiddle with the PCI power management
  registers directly.
- Use pci_enable_busmaster()/pci_enable_io() to turn on busmastering and
  PIO/memory mapped accesses.
- Add support to the RealTek driver for the D-Link DFE-530TX+ which has
  a RealTek 8139 with its own PCI ID. (Submitted by Jason Wright)
- Have the SiS 900/National DP83815 driver be sure to disable PME
  mode in sis_reset(). This apparently fixes a problem on some
  motherboards where the DP83815 chip fails to receive packets.
  (Submitted by Chuck McCrobie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)

how much you can just use the 1.58 version of the file depends on 
what else was changed, but it's probably easier than starting withj a
LINUX driver :-)
 you may need toonly add the following lines to your present driver:

@@ -152,6 +152,8 @@ static struct rl_type rl_devs[] = {
                "Delta Electronics 8139 10/100BaseTX" },
                "Addtron Technolgy 8139 10/100BaseTX" },
+               "D-Link DFE-530TX+ 10/100BaseTX" },
        { 0, 0, NULL }

> What I need 
> =========== 
> I would appreciate help/advice for porting the
> D-Link DFE-530TX+ driver to FreeBSD 3.3.

see above.. you are just runing an old version of freeBSD..



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