[Moving to -net]

If memory serves me right, Andrew Gallatin wrote:

>  > Alternately, it would be a good idea to have a "ip_maxpacketfrags"
>  > instead of an "ip_maxfragpackets", to put a hard limit on the
>  > number of mbufs that can be consumed by the fragment reassembly
>  > process.
> I think this is the best solution.

Just for the heck of it, I started reading through ip_input.c to see how
hard this would be to do.  Haven't got there yet, I saw something odd:
the variables ip_nfragpackets and nipq look *awfully* similar.

It looks like they both track the number of reassembly queues, because
they're initialized to zero, and incremented and decremented at the same
time.  Their limits (ip_maxfragpackets and maxnipq respectively) are
even initialized on consecutive lines.

The only difference I can see is that in ip_input(), if nipq > maxnipq,
all of the fragments for some other packet in the current hash bucket
get dropped (with the wonderfully descriptive comment "gak").  The check
for ip_nfragpackets comes in ip_reass(), where if ip_nfragpackets >=
ip_maxfragpackets, then we drop the current fragment.  (Is it possible 
that the second check masks the effects of the first?)

I couldn't find any obvious explanation in the CVS log for ip_input.c.

Am I missing something, or are these two variables basically doing the 
same thing?



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