On Tue, Mar 19, 2002 at 10:23:34AM +0200, Nerijus Bendziunas wrote:
> hi,
> I have problem:
> LAN<->Server(FreeBSD 4.5 Stable ipnat)<->internet
> Users want to play games like quake, counter strike, etc( games that use udp).
> They can make only one conection per server.
> for example:
> if someone connects to quake.lt- the others can't connect there.
> #cat /etc/ipnat.rules
> map rl0 ->
> Default firewall rule is allow all. i don't deny any  udp traffic.
> I've searched the web and found that under linux there are kernel modules, like
> ip_masq_quake.
> How could i make it under freebsd?

If it requires an application layer proxy, and you are using ipnat(8),
you can go look for IPFilter resources like,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] If you want to change to natd(8), you can
try to make your own alias_quake.c for src/lib/libalias.
Crist J. Clark                     |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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