
 I am working to evaluate performance of
 throughput between two PC connected between
 a Fore-ATM card adapter to a network:
 the netwotk is composed of a PVC of 4Mbps between 
 three routers and I am just looking to use
 differente queuing discipline like FIFO-PQ-WFQ.

 I have configured the two PC with the same Operating
 Systems: a Linux (Red-Hat) and a FreeBSD v4.3 (Kame
 Patch) and I am using  NETPERF to make throughput 

 Making the first tests I note a difference beetwen
 using the two FreeBSD or the two LINUX: 

 for example when using FreeBSD-FIFO and make
 a default TCP_STREAM Netperf with the deafult
 values of SendSocketSize and ReceiverSocketSize 
 (16.000) the value of througput is lower (<2Mbps) 
 than the 3.5Mpbs that I have configured in the PVC;

 however making the same test with the values of
 SendSocketSize and ReceiverSocketSize of 128000
 the test is good and I have the value of 3.45Mbps

 using Linux-FIFO and make a default TCP_STREAM 
 with the deafult values of SendSocketSize 
 and ReceiverSocketSize (16.000) the value of 
 througput is of 3.5Mpbs.

 using other queuing discipline I have always
 to change in FreeBSD the values of 
 SendSocketSize and ReceiverSocketSize to have
 values that seems the real condition of the 
 network; using Linux the values is always correct
 without changing the values of the Sockets.

 - anybody can help me to resolve this problem ?
   Is the TCP/IP stacks of the two systems very
   differents ? What is different ? 
   Why the Linux seems have the best performances ?
 - Where I can find some documents that describe
   the TCP stacks of the two systems ?

    really Thanks...!!!!!


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