
John Polstra wrote:
> You are running tcpdump on the system that's sending the "bad"
> packets, right?  It makes perfect sense.  The TCP/IP stack knows
> that the NIC is going to insert the checksums, so it doesn't bother
> calculating them itself.  So BPF is handed packets in mbufs without
> any checksums.  On the way out to the wire, the NIC hardware/firmware
> adds the checksums, but they don't show up in the mbufs that are being
> sent to BPF.  If you run tcpdump on the receiving system instead,
> you'll find that the checksums seen there are valid.
> The same thing happens in the bge driver, because it also offloads
> checksum generation to the NIC.

that makes total sense. I'd like to see the paragraph above in big, bold 
letters in the xl(4) man page then - so far it doesn't discuss checksum 
offloading at all. :-)

Lars Eggert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>               Information Sciences Institute              University of Southern California

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