i tried altering the code to do teh following:

        1. when select returns saying the file descriptor is readable:
        2. process 2 packets at a time (recvfrom woould just fail if there were
none left)
        3. try this with 3 and 5 packets at a time

Surprisingly (for me) I noticed

        * the natd CPU load still reaches similar levels before the change

        * using -a alias_ip instead if -interface and using debugging code to
ensure that select was NOT used
                (as mentioned by ari, earlier) also appears not to significantly reduce
CPU (eg peak 23% down to peak 21%)

Considering the following facts:

        * cpu load rises roughly linearly with "number of connections to a single
dest port"
        * cpu load rises more than linearly with "number of dest ports"

makes me think that the problem is in libalias...

investigations are ongoing - any ideas / advice would be great as i'm not an

i'll let you  know how it goes


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