I'm trying to propagate rip routes using zebra (ripd) across a gif0
tunnel interface to another freebsd box running zebra.  

I have zebra and ripd running, but they only seem to broadcast routes
out the fxp0 interface, and not across the gif0 tunnel.  It's quite
annoying.  A "show ip protocols" in the ripd vty shows that both fxp0
and gif0 are sending and receiving RIP updates.  However tcpdump shows
otherwise.  I really don't need to use zebra, but I'd like to.  

Otherwise, if someone can help me with a gated config which completely
excludes fxp1, does not broadcast a default route, and only broadcasts
and accepts routes on the fxp0 and gif0 interfaces, I would gladly use

The endpoints on the gif0 tunnel are tied down to addresses assigned to
the lo1 interface on each side.  Should I tie these down to the
addresses assigned to fxp0 instead?  When I did it this way, traceroute
would not work across the tunnel.

Also, does FreeBSD 4.5 support GRE tunnels?



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