I would like to use PPPoE with MPD in orderto connect
to a DSL modem by the way of Ethernet LAN. My freeBSD
version is 3.5 Release (it's out of mind to update it)
and the MPD one is 3.6 (I don't want use a user land
way for pppoe as ppp). But I have two problems.

First of all, the netgraph encryption MPPC isn't
implemented on FreeBSD 3.5R. Never mind, I compiled
the source of MPD without the option ENCRYPTION_MPPE

But in the line 523 of the file
"/usr/src/sys/netgraph/chap.c", the function
"GenerateAuthenticatorResponse()" only defined in the
ng_mppc.c file is still used. So, I adapted the source
In fact, in the chap.c file, I skiped the wrong part
of the code (the else part of the if struct) with an
"#ifdef ENCRYPTION_MPPE ... #endif"
(from line 515 to 525). I know it's not the right
solution, but it's the easiest and the fastest.

My question is "what is the right solution?".

Secondly, after this modification, the PPPoE
negociation passed successfully whereas the LCP
negociation immediatly failed. Ethereal showed us that
all packets sent by MPD are wrong, the unknown
0x00FF error is returned. The packet seem to content a
HDLC layer (FF03) as this screen (of ethereal)
displayed :

76   1.061417 00:60:97:d6:80:e1 -> ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
PPPoED Active Discovery Initiation (PADI)
77   1.071363 00:60:97:91:19:9c -> 00:60:97:d6:80:e1
PPPoED Active Discovery Offer (PADO)
78   1.071698 00:60:97:d6:80:e1 -> 00:60:97:91:19:9c
PPPoED Active Discovery Request (PADR)
79   1.071788 00:60:97:91:19:9c -> 00:60:97:d6:80:e1
PPPoED Active Discovery Session-confirmation (PADS)
80   1.080137 00:60:97:d6:80:e1 -> 00:60:97:91:19:9c
0x00ff PPP Unknown (0x00ff)
127  1.353259 xxx.xxx.xxx -> 00:60:97:d6:80:e1 PPP LCP
PPP LCP Protocol Reject
152  2.359655 xxx.xxx.xxx -> 00:60:97:d6:80:e1 PPP LCP
PPP LCP Configuration Request
153  2.366229 00:60:97:d6:80:e1 -> xxx.xxx.xxx 0x00ff
PPP Unknown (0x00ff)
194  5.897718 00:60:97:d6:80:e1 -> xxx.xxx.xxx PPPoED
Active Discovery Terminate (PADT)
195   5.897867 xxx.xxx.xxx -> 00:60:97:d6:80:e1 PPPoED
Active Discovery Terminate (PADT)

and the hexa form of the packet 80 is:
0000  00 60 97 91 19 9c 00 60  97 d6 80 e1 88 64 11 00
0010  00 13 00 12 ff 03 c0 21  01 01 00 0e 01 04 05 d4
0020  05 06 90 b2 d5 0b 0b 0b  0b 0b 0b 0b 0b 0b 0b 0b
0030  0b 0b 0b 0b 0b 0b 0b 0b  0b 0b 0b 0b

I don't understand why this FF03 octets are there and
who put them.
Someone could help me, please!

My conf files are :
        new -i ng0 myisp PPPoE
        set iface addrs
        set iface route default
        set iface disable on-demand
        set iface idle 0
        set bundle disable multilink
        set bundle authname fti/ZZZZZZ4@fti
        set link no acfcomp protocomp
        set link disable pap chap
        set link accept chap
        set ipcp yes vjcomp
        set ipcp ranges
        open iface

        set link type pppoe
        set pppoe iface ep0
        set pppoe service "myservice"

Thanks in advance

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