On Sun, Jan 06, 2002 at 05:22:00PM -0800, Rachel Leising wrote:
> -- 
> I can't seem to get name resolution working correctly.
> According to sniffer output, the dns query goes out fine and the 
> response comes back just fine. However, my machine then replies to 
> the dns server with an ICMP "port unreachable message"... regardless 
> of the ephemeral port used by my machine as the source port for the 
> dns query.

Could you post the actual tcpdump(1) output,

  # tcpdump -vvvn 'udp && port 53'

Just in case you are missing something.

> nestat -s also shows the following udp counters incrementing:
> "x dropped due to no socket"

This is what I would expect for what you describe...

> "y dropped due to full socket buffers"


Could we double-check the firewall issue,

  $ sysctl net.inet.ip.fw.enable net.inet.ipf.fr_running

And see the full output of,

  $ netstat -s -p udp
  $ netstat -an -p udp
  $ host testhost            # your DNS test here
  $ netstat -s -p udp
  $ netstat -an -p udp
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