On Wed, Dec 19, 2001 at 10:32:42PM +0100, Wilko Bulte wrote:
> > 
> > First of all we should decide what IPSTEALTH is for. Is it just a
> > Ruslan's net.inet.ip.decttl or it should really stealth the fact of
> > the routing? If the latter how do we behave in source routing case?
> I would assume IPSTEALTH is thought to be for firewalls. Allowing
> source routing thru firewalls is a Bad Thing(TM) anyway, right?

Source routing itself is a Bad Thing, as is TELNET or rlogin.
However, this isn't a reason strong enough to drop all such stuff
from FreeBSD completely.  That's why we're trying to consider every
possible case.  IMHO increasing the number of "FOO is incompatible
with BAR" situations is no good.


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