On Mon, Dec 17, 2001 at 03:20:51AM -0500, Mike Silbersack wrote: .. deleted > > RFC 2581 suggests that 4 is a good value (well, not exactly 4, they have a > formula which comes out to about 4 in most cases.) I'm inclined to agree > that something between 2-4 would be a good value for our non-local > slowstart flightsize as well. Maybe after 4.5 is released we can go look > into it. (It's too late to be changing stuff now.) > > Mike "Silby" Silbersack
just to remind ourselfs why this thread came up (i myself had nearly forgotten about it :-): for the instruments, we produce and which run FreeBSD embedded, I was doing an installation/upgrade package for our production here. The install is done via USB/ethernet adaptor. Because of the change to recvspace lately (now 65536) the USB/ethernet adaptor (or the switch, not sure) is overrun and resulting installation speed drops to unacceptible 10KB/s. It is not a problem for me, because I can manipulate per sysctl recvspace in my package. But it may become a problem for people which want to install FreeBSD 4.5 over USB/ethernet with the normal sysinstall (for example laptop users). AFAIK there is no knob if you boot from floppy. -- Thomas Zenker c/o Lennartz electronic GmbH Bismarckstrasse 136, D-72072 Tuebingen, Germany Phone: +49-(0)7071-93550 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-net" in the body of the message