On Thu, Dec 06, 2001 at 08:13:33PM +0100, Guido van Rooij wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 06, 2001 at 07:29:27PM +0200, Ruslan Ermilov wrote:
> > On Thu, Dec 06, 2001 at 10:22:05PM +0500, Dingo wrote:
> > > ipfilters ipnat.... We ran into the IPSec intercept problem with 4.3,
> > > can you tell me when the changes were MFCd ? it might just be a matter
> > > of updateing Ipfilter on this specific server. its a 4.3 RELEASE box.
> > > But If I am correct, your telling me i can create a standard VPN, in
> > > tunnel or transport mode, with ipfs ipnat, no gif devices ?? like 
> > > 
> > > 10.0.xxx.xxx -> ipnat -> -> IPSEC TUNNEL <- <-
> > > ipnat <- 10.20.xxx.xxx
> > > 
> > [What's missing in this picture is how ipnat modifies the 10.0 ->
> > 10.20 packets.  I will assume it hides the 10.0.xxx.xxx addresses
> > after a single]
> > 
> > I'm not fluent in IPFilter (and IPNAT in particular), but I think
> > there may be some difference between how IPNAT and IPDIVERT work.
> > With IPDIVERT, a packet is first passed to a userland process,
> > natd(8) in a similar scenario, and natd(8) writes the modified
> > packet back to kernel which then passes this new packet back to
> > ip_output().  ip_output() is organized so that IPSEC hooks are
> > called before IPDIVERT and IPNAT hooks, but with IPDIVERT it's
> > no problem, since the new packet is passed again to ip_output(),
> > and if you tell your IPSEC to tunnel between and
> >, IPSEC will intercept that NATed packet.
> > 
> > If IPNAT doesn't do the same, i.e., if it doesn't consider the
> > NATed packet a "new" packet, and just continues with the modified
> > packet, we have a trouble -- we have no way to IPSEC modified
> > packet.  Let IPFilter gurus speak up.  :-)
> When you NAT, outgoing packets on the interface
> get their source address modified if you have a rule like:
> map <out ifname> ->
> This happens at the end of ip_output after ipsec processing.
> Return packets will have their destination address changed at
> the moment thye come in, before ip_input (and ipsec) processing.
So we definitely have a problem here.  IPNAT processes outgoing
packet only once (just modifies its source address), i.e., it's
not passed again to ip_output() processing but rather IPFILTER
just forwards the modified packet using routing decision.

> The packets are already encrypted by then, so no NAT will take
> place. On the other hand: NAT seems unnecessary since packets are
> in a tunnel anyway, so the 10 addresses will never show up.
FreeBSD: tools, not policy.  :-)

I can easily imagine a situation where NAT before IPSEC would
be useful, though I must admit I have never used this combo,
in that order.

Ruslan Ermilov          Oracle Developer/DBA,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           Sunbay Software AG,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          FreeBSD committer,
+380.652.512.251        Simferopol, Ukraine

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