On Fri, 30 Nov 2001, Jonathan Lemon wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 30, 2001 at 09:01:21AM -0600, mark tinguely wrote:
> > Too bad there are not companies throwing money around to fund a good
> > rewrite...of course there is some competative advatange to do so only
> > for themselves.
> Anyone want to fund a network hacker to do all of these?  Seriously?  :-(

What kind of sum of money are we talking about here? Can you estimate
what hacker/month effort is required? Would it make sense to setup a
[paypal] fund of some kind, hosted on freebsd.org to raise the
required sum? That way small companies and even individuals can
contribute even if the total is more than they can afford...

Is there a guru with enough unallocated time to concentrate on the

Will the dedicated work of the said guru get a high priority as far as
review and commit steps are concerned? A public semi-formal commitment
or encouragement from FreeBSD core group may be in order to raise
support from the community. Otherwise, folks may worry that these big
changes, once implemented, will get stuck in the commit queue forever.



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