As Roman Kurakin wrote: > >You've already got one from me. > > > I thought someone else maintains this part of kernel. Was I wrong?
Probably. At least it was me who wrote larger parts of the current sppp implementation. As mentioned, it's very unfortunate that a number of offspring implementations evolved in the past, mainly in ISDN4BSD and in NetBSD. It's still my goal to merge the ISDN4BSD version completely (there's no need to have two functionally very similar implementations in our source tree, and i promised this merge to Hellmuth Michaelis), and my review of NetBSD so far has shown that they've also fixed a number of bugs (and added some useful features). Get me right, i wouldn't mind passing this task to someone else :), but the issue here is that both trees should not be merged as a large blurb diff, but patches should rather be taken piecewise from their trees so our CVS history remains clear and the impact can be overlooked by someone else by just following CVS. The NetBSD CVS is now publically available, and i've also got the ISDN4BSD CVS tree here. The downside of all this is that it takes a FreeBSD committer to do it (i expect some two dozens of committs approximately), and someone who's got quite a bit of time at hand. -- cheers, J"org .-.-. --... ...-- -.. . DL8DTL NIC: JW11-RIPE Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-) To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-net" in the body of the message