I settled a vpn between 2 FreeBSD 4.3. As far as I can see, everything is running 
smootlhly (no error messages) BUT.. I cannot say that it IS realy doing what we can 
expect it to do. As these machines will be 1,400 kilometer apart, I must test it 
BEFORE sending it for its places. So, hereis the real question:

Is there a way to connect the VPN in a testbench like?

 I tried a middle multi-homed linux box, but even with the ´ip-forwarding´ activated I 
can ping both linux ip-addresses I cannot ping the other vpn box - ´no route..´.

I tried also the FreeBSD bridge but.. ´no route´ again - even that the bridge said me 
that it is ok, in promiscuous mode and so on.

Please, any hint??

   irado furioso com tudo
   GNU/Linux user  CASSADO
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