some info about the machine:

vpn-gw2# uname -a
FreeBSD vpn-gw2 4.4-STABLE FreeBSD 4.4-STABLE #2: Tue Oct 16 16:42:27 
CEST 2001     root@vpn-gw2:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/VPN-GW2  i386

The machine is a dual 700MHz PIII with 512MB ram and 3 3c905B nics. 
/etc/sysctl.conf looks like this:

vpn-gw2# cat /etc/sysctl.conf

I'm trying to set up mpd as a replacement for poptop + ppp.  But I run 
into a problem when I try to configure more than 100 bundles.  When I 
configure 30 bundles, everything works nicely.  When I configure 100 
bundles, things seems to work nicely, but when I run ngctl, I get the 
following error when typing 'list' at the ngctl prompt:

[lines for ng100 - ng24 removed]

   Name: ng23            Type: iface           ID: 00000849   Num hooks: 1
   Name: <unnamed>       Type: socket          ID: 00000848   Num hooks: 2
   Name: <unnamed>       Type: vjc             ID: 00000847   Num hooks: 4
   Name: <unnamed>       Type: bpf             ID: 00000846   Num hooks: 3
   Name: mpd37379-pptp12 Type: ppp             ID: 00000845   Num hooks: 6
   Name: ng22            Type: iface           ID: 00000844   Num hooks: 1
   Name: <unnamed>       Type: socket          ID: 00000843   Num hooks: 2
   Name: <unnamed>       Type: vjc             ID: 00000842   Num hooks: 4
   Name: <unnamed>       Type: bpf             ID: 00000841   Num hooks: 3
   Name: xl0             Type: ether           ID: 00000001   Num hooks: 0
ngctl: send msg: No such file or directory
+ quit

it seems to be missing ng0 - ng21, but ifconfig shows all the 
interfaces.  Earlier ngctl would not list any interfaces but print 
something like the following:

+ list
ngctl: send msg: No buffer space available
+ quit

which buffer is this, and how do I make it larger?

On a PIII 1.3GHz with 1GB ram, trying to run with 110 bundles:

vpn-gw3# uname -a
FreeBSD vpn-gw3 4.4-STABLE FreeBSD 4.4-STABLE #0: Thu Oct 18 18:37:21 
CEST 2001     root@vpn-gw3:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/VPN-GW3  i386

[cut out 97 bundle configs]

[pptp98] ppp node is "mpd18285-pptp98"
[pptp98] using interface ng108
  Radius: radius_Init

[pptp99] ppp node is "mpd18285-pptp99"
[pptp99] using interface ng109
  Radius: radius_Init

[pptp100] can't name ppp node: Address already in use
[pptp100] netgraph initialization failed
[pptp101] can't name ppp node: Address already in use
[pptp101] netgraph initialization failed
[pptp102] can't name ppp node: Address already in use
[pptp102] netgraph initialization failed
[pptp103] can't name ppp node: Address already in use
[pptp103] netgraph initialization failed
[pptp104] can't name ppp node: Address already in use
[pptp104] netgraph initialization failed
[pptp105] can't name ppp node: Address already in use
[pptp105] netgraph initialization failed
[pptp106] can't name ppp node: Address already in use
[pptp106] netgraph initialization failed
[pptp107] can't name ppp node: Address already in use
[pptp107] netgraph initialization failed
[pptp108] can't name ppp node: Address already in use
[pptp108] netgraph initialization failed
[pptp109] can't name ppp node: Address already in use
[pptp109] netgraph initialization failed
[pptp110] can't name ppp node: Address already in use
[pptp110] netgraph initialization failed

vpn-gw3# ngctl
+ list
ngctl: send msg: No buffer space available

This is with standard sendspace/recvspace.


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