as far as I can recall, the dhcp *server* mantains a /etc/lease files, where the 
latest ip-addr corresponding to a specifc MAC address are tied one to another. The 
situation is:

a) if there are 500 available ip for 1,000 clients, is is supposed that it will change 
b) if there are 1,000 ip-addr in the pool and 500 clients, think that it will never 
change, mainly if they reconnect before the expiration time.

Maybe if your isp reduce the lease time, maybe if he shorten the available ip-addr 

>Is it correct to say that dhclient simply ASKS for the same IP again and if 
>their dhcp server says "yes you may have that IP again" then and only then 
>will it be allowed or does dhclient attempt to steal the IP back in any 
>way?  (I don't think it does).

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