firstly, my apologises for the misaddressed question to this list. The matter is 
already settled thanks to some list-friends which pointed me that the 
kernel_security_level (rc.conf) was the culprit. Under level 2 the kernel is set to 
'unchangeable' - and no chflags are accepted either.

Many thanks to all of you. And sorry for the inconvenience.

>Sounds like you booted it and its locked.  Does FreeBSD do that?
>At 11:13 AM 10/4/2001 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>I am completely blind and stuck: I was recompiling (2nd time) my kernel, when (make 
>install) suddenly I was surprised with the following message:

   irado furioso com tudo
   linux user 179402
deus é construído à imagem e semelhança do homem. Principalmente em seus defeitos.
   por favor, clique aqui:
   e aqui também: 

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