I am completely blind and stuck: I was recompiling (2nd time) my kernel, when (make install) suddenly I was surprised with the following message:
[...] mv /kernel /kernel.old Operation not permitted So, I cannot rm it, cannot change it, can do nothing to it - and I am root. There are a limit (once a day) for the kernel recompiling?? <bg> seriously: What is happening, and how to correct it? saudações, irado furioso com tudo linux user 179402 deus é construído à imagem e semelhança do homem. Principalmente em seus defeitos. por favor, clique aqui: http://www.thehungersite.com e aqui também: http://cf6.uol.com.br/umminuto/ ------------------------------------------------------------ Nettaxi would like to ask for your help in donations to the RED CROSS today! http://www.nyredcross.org/donate/ To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-net" in the body of the message