I tried here bymyself and there are no troubles to connect to my own server., neither connecting from home - name resolves nicely. And that is the culprit: 'failure in name resolution'.. means that your name server cannot resolve name-to-ipaddr.
Resume: you *must* go back to your named files, mainly the ones which says that novell.com is the 192.168.something. Or (if is the case) your named must get the ip-adrress from the forwarders (from world). > >%ssh novell.com >ssh: novell.com: Non-recoverable failure in name resolution > saudações, irado furioso com tudo linux user 179402 deus é construído à imagem e semelhança do homem. Principalmente em seus defeitos. por favor, clique aqui: http://www.thehungersite.com e aqui também: http://cf6.uol.com.br/umminuto/ ------------------------------------------------------------ Nettaxi would like to ask for your help in donations to the RED CROSS today! http://www.nyredcross.org/donate/ To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-net" in the body of the message