On Monday 06 August 2001 04:31 pm, Julian Elischer wrote:
> On Mon, 6 Aug 2001, Jim Pirzyk wrote:
> > Ok, what I am trying to do is to follow the example on the
> > ng_one2many man page to create a network interface that will
> > aggregate across my dc0 and dc1 interfaces. No where in the page
> > does it show you having to setup the other netgraph nodes (which
> > I was suspecting was the case).
> >
> > So a shot at this I would need to create some iface nodes called
> > dc0, dc1 and trnk0? I do not know what the 'upper' node would
> > be though.
> wha kind of device are dc0 and dc1?
> what does `ngctl list' show?
There are 1 total nodes:
Name: ngctl17931 Type: socket ID: 0000000c Num hooks: 0
> if they support netgraph they will already be present.
They are Intel 21143 10/110BaseTX chipsets on the motherboard
of the Alpha DS10. I also do not see anything but the default
netgraph on a Dell Dimension with the 3Com 3C90x chipset, nor
do I see them on an Intergraph with the Inter EtherExpress Pro
card (fxp0).
Since they do not show up on the netgraph interfaces, I would
assume then they are not supported.
- JimP
--- @(#) $Id: dot.signature,v 1.10 2001/05/17 23:38:49 Jim.Pirzyk Exp $
_'\<,_ Senior Systems Engineer, Walt Disney Feature Animation
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