Hello Guhnter,

>> ftp stream tcp6 nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd ftpd-BSD -D -6
>woops, tcp-wrappers (tcpd) take 'em out, they confound the
>-D makes ftpd to become a daemon itself. This is *not* what you
>   want when you let inetd manage the services. So, take that -D
>   out.
>Notice that the 6 versus 4 issue is handled by 
>inetd (tcp vs. tcp6) and you need one inetd.conf line for each. Having
>both makes it easier to distinguish whether you have an IPv6 problem
>somewhere (but do use numeric addresses for testing, to be sure you
>use the right IP version

You were absolutely right! For Linux SuSE 6.4 Distribution I have managed
to start the ftpd-BSD (the name of daemon on the system-sorry for the confusion
it has caused) by letting out -D and -6. The right way was:
(in /etc/inetd.conf)
ftp stream tcp6 nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd ftpd-BSD 

that means with tcp wrapers (I left it so, if it hadn't work I'd try also

For the Free-BSD system in /etc/inetd.conf

ftp stream tcp6 nowait root /usr/libexec/ftpd ftpd -l

I assume the problem was as you said:
> Also, never use the -D option with inetd.conf;
>it can't work! With -D ftpd tries to bind(2) another socket and
>since it's already bound by inetd, it'll fail right away. Also,
>if you use nowait in inetd and call something that doesn't handle
>the connection, you'll get inetd cycling through calling ftpd
>again and again. If this goes on too often, inetd figures that
>it's not gonna work and shuts down the service alltogether. This
>is what happened in your case. I 

best regards:Anastasia

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