As you mentioned the source address selection section 1.6 in kame implementation. In 
this section in the last but one paragraph the following is mentioned.
" there are some cases where we dodnot use the above rule. one example is connected 
TCP session, & we use the address kept in the TCP protocol control block(pcb) as the 

My question is with reference to this section.( It is possibe that the user may have 
specified un matchin source & destination addresses. eg link local source address for 
a global unicast destination address.)

Kindly clear my doubt.
ravi prasad

JINMEI Tatuya / 
> >>>>> On Wed, 06 Jun 2001 00:35:21 +0900, 
> >>>>> JINMEI Tatuya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> >> My doubt is this. In case a user process is specifying the source & destination 
>address. Whether any check is performed on the source address like,
> >> a) address is present on which interface?
> >> b) address is already formed?
> >> c) Scope of source & destination address are correct?
> > If you mean the IPv6 source address selection, please see Section 1.3
>                                                             ^^^^^^^^^^^
> Oops, should be Section 1.6, sorry.
> > of the IMPLEMENTATION file in the KAME kit, which can be grabbed at
> > http://www.kame.net/
>                     JINMEI, Tatuya
>                     Communication Platform Lab.
>                     Corporate R&D Center, Toshiba Corp.
>                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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