At 01:02 AM 4/27/2001 +0400, Vladimir B. Grebenschikov wrote:

>I have machine vith 18 running interfaces, most of them VLAN
>interfaces, but there are some LAN and WAN. It successful transfer
>about 60-80Mbit/s (~90 in peak). Most of traffic goes throug Intel
>EtherExpress ethernet NICs.

Thanks for the data point.  Have you ever tried increasing the interface 
count above 18 to say 33 ?

>For VLANs I use patch to allow passing IP packets 1500byte size.

Yes, I use that one as well.

Mike Tancsa,                                      tel +1 519 651 3400
Network Administration,                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sentex Communications                   
Cambridge, Ontario Canada               

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