On Mon, Feb 12, 2001 at 06:34:29PM -0800, Archie Cobbs wrote:
> Jonathan Lemon writes:
> > It seems to me that the odds of an application being able to correctly
> > handle an error return from accept() are far greater than the odds that
> > the code  correctly checks 'len' upon return from accept.  This, combined
> > with the standard, seems to be rationale enough to make the change.
> True.. but even greater still are the chances that an application will
> correctly handle accept() returning a *real* sockaddr that corresponds
> to an already closed connection.

Please review the earlier postings in this thread.  While this would
probably be nice, it isn't possible with our current internals; the
sockaddr is stored in the inpcb, which is destroyed when the connection
is torn down.  So by the time the user gets around to calling accept,
the sockaddr is long gone.

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