There are two that I know of; one is PPTP implementation and another
is L2TP implementation.
There is a ports/packages for PPTP called 'pptpclient'. You many need
to modify pppd a little bit, depending on how the peering Windows is
L2TP implemantation is availabe via an anonymous CVS (password is
:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/share/cvsroot
From: "Mark Carlile" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FW: VPN question
Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2001 15:49:04 -0800
Message-ID: <000001c08d72$b9ec6780$b101a8c0@contractor4>
> Any thoughts on my questions below. If it is possible, where can I find
> information to implement it.
> Thanks
> Mark Carlile
> interKeel, Inc.
> 3977 E. Bayshore Rd., Suite 100
> Palo Alto, CA 94303
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Justin T. Gibbs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, February 02, 2001 11:19 AM
> Subject: Re: VPN question
> >Justin,
> .
> Hi Mark. Good to hear from you!
> >I have a question about FreeBSD and I'm hoping you
> >can steer me in the right direction. We currently have a BSD box that is
> >acting as our firewall with a NT domain behind it. We want to set up VPN
> >solution where a client (running NT or Win2K) can access the internal NT
> >server through the BSD firewall via the Internet. In other words the want
> >to work from home and access the NT server that sits behind the firewall.
> >
> >Can this be done. If so, what software would need to run on the client.
> >Any direction you could give would be appreciated.
> FreeBSD 4.2R and above does support IPSec. I know that individuals have
> used this to implement VPNs between FreeBSD systems. I don't know if there
> is software available to interoperate with an NT system. Probably the best
> place to ask about this is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Good Luck!
> --
> Justin
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