> On  1 Feb, Julian Elischer wrote:
> = > We have a  single firewall machine and a  _separate_ machine running
> = > squid proxy (both servers are on the same network wire).
> = >
> = > How  do I  catch all  of the  outgoing http  requests and  send them
> = > through squid?
> = >
> = > I tried
> = >
> = >         ipfw add fwd squid,3128 tcp from any to any http
> = >
> = > but it does not  seem to work -- squid never  gets contacted. All of
> = > the  recipes  out there  describe  the  setups  with squid  and  the
> = > firewall  being on  the same  machine. What  else do  I need  to do?
> =
> = I assume squid is the name of  the other machine? you need to have the
> = same rule in the ipfw on that machine too.
> Yes. Ok. This is what I just added to the squid-machine:
>         ipfw add allow ip from any to any out
>         ipfw add fwd localhost,3128 log tcp from any to any 3128 in
> = otherwise it will reflect the packet back at it's original destination
> = as it still has headers saying it wants to go there. (It's unaltered).
> The firewall machine logs
> ipfw: 3000 Forward to squid.ip:3128 TCP client.ip:3977 web.server.ip:80 in via dc0

here's the rules (approx) I just gave someone else:
-----------------BEGIN QUOTED MAIL------

> After adding the command:
>         ipfw add 100 fwd tcp from any to any 80 in via fxp0
> I see no packet arrive at host  Do forwarded packets
> re-enter the firewall for a given outgoing interface?  In this case
> ed1 ?  Or are they somehow skipped and just routed out the interface after
> a match is made?

The man page says:
  fwd ipaddr[,port]
                     Change the next-hop on matching packets to ipaddr, which
                     can be an IP address in dotted quad or a host name.  If
                     ipaddr is not a directly-reachable address, the route as
                     found in the local routing table for that IP is used in-
                     stead.  If ipaddr is a local address, then on a packet
                     entering the system from a remote host it will be divert-
                     ed to port on the local machine, keeping the local ad-
                     dress of the socket set to the original IP address the
                     packet was destined for.  This is intended for use with
                     transparent proxy servers.  If the IP is not a local ad-
                     dress then the port number (if specified) is ignored and
                     the rule only applies to packets leaving the system.
                     This will also map addresses to local ports when packets
                     are generated locally.  The search terminates if this
                     rule matches.  If the port number is not given then the
                     port number in the packet is used, so that a packet for
                     an external machine port Y would be forwarded to local
                     port Y.  The kernel must have been compiled with the
                     IPFIREWALL_FORWARD option.

> After changing the above ipfw command to 'out via xl0' I start seeing
> incoming packets on the host.  Do IPFW Forward rules only
> apply to outgoing style rules?

yes, read the paragraph above:
                            If the IP is not a local ad-
                     dress then the port number (if specified) is ignored and
                     the rule only applies to packets leaving the system.

                      If ipaddr is a local address, then on a packet
                     entering the system from a remote host it will be divert-
                     ed to port on the local machine, keeping the local ad-
                     dress of the socket set to the original IP address the
                     packet was destined for. 

In other words, you want a rule with 

'fwd tcp from any to any 80 out rcv fxp0 xmit xl0'

 on the gateway
so that it only matches http requests from clients on the local net
but NOT requests from your proxy.

then on the proxy you must have the rule:
'fwd tcp from 80 in rcv [interface]'

so that the packet are 'captured' on that machine instead of being dumped.

> But the client still talks to the web-server directly :( The squid's log
> is quiet... Anything  I'm missing? Perhaps, I need  a user-space program
> of some sort to run on the firewall to do the tunneling? Thanks!
>         -mi

      __--_|\  Julian Elischer
     /       \ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    (   OZ    ) World tour 2000-2001
---> X_.---._/  

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