Luigi Rizzo wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> >     I sent these files in private.  But I remembered that I have another
> > unusual config in this machine: is is multiprocessed, and has 10 SCSI disks
> > and lots of SYSV shared memory.
> i think SMP might have something to do with it. Yusuf, are you also
> using an SMP box ?
> Two things to try (which i also emailed you privately, but others might
> be interested too):
>  + remove the SMP option and see if you still have the problem.

    Very strange!  Removing SMP and APIC_IO options from my config, the kernel
does not boot.  It shows some errors in IDE interrupts, and panics after lots
of errors while probing SCSI devices.  Very strange, since GENERIC works
without problems.

    Oh!  This remembers me!  The bug with ipfw and msgbuf also happens in
GENERIC -stable!

    I tried only removing DUMMYNET from config, and the bug continues.  Should
I try the changes below?

>  + if you are not using bridging, keep the SMP option and change
>    splimp -> splnet in ip_dummynet.c
>    and see if the problem is still there.


João Carlos Mendes Luís                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Networking Engineer                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Internet via Embratel                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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