On Wed, 3 Jan 2001, Luigi Rizzo spake thusly:
> So i believe you have done some mistake in your config or your
> measurement (e.g. some other bottleneck in the net limiting
> one flow to 60Kbit, leaving a full 60k to the other no matter how
> weight are assigned).
I really don't think so. Only those two transfers were active. Config is very
simple and looks okay (see the counts for both rules).
> Note that running this kind of experiments requires a bit of care --
> with a 10:1 speed ratio, one of the transfer might complete much faster
> than the other leaving full bw to the the other flow for 90%
> of the time, which in the end causes both flow to show
> approx the same speed.
Well. It is not the case I think. Both transfers were for big files (~200MB
each). I've zeroed the counters after start. Measurments are acuurate according
to both rules as well as lftp status messages.
Regards, /S
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