Hi Everyone,

Doug Rabson and I have been running a timeboxed testing project to ask for
feedback on an implementation of Podman on FreeBSD.

We've had good feedback and decided to keep the testing project going until
the end of the year. I'm in the process of writing up our findings from the
testing so far. If you would like to take a look at Podman on FreeBSD we'd
love your feedback logged as issues on the repo.

This idea to do the testing came from conversations in the OCI runtime
extension working group which meets biweekly (our next call is later today)
https://github.com/opencontainers/wg-freebsd-runtime/ . Please feel welcome
to join the call if this is an area of interest to you.



Alice Sowerby
Part-time Technical Program Manager
M +44 7787 953393

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