Jamie Gritton <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|Closed                      |In Progress
         Resolution|FIXED                       |---
           Assignee|            |

--- Comment #15 from Jamie Gritton <> ---
Created attachment 253669
Hack to set the zfs.mount_snapshot parameter

It looks like I implemented half a solution, which was worse than no solution
at all.  I change the description of the parameter to boolean, without
realizing that continuing to expect an integer made the kernel reject jail(8)'s
attempts to set it.  I must have tested my fix on a mismatched kernel and
userspace, or something.

All is not lost, as there's a hack available to work around this.  jail_set(2)
can still send an integer, even though jail(8) and libjail(3) will try not to. 
I've attached a small hack program than can do the job.  You'll need to run it
after the jail is created, e.g. with the following in jail.conf:

exec.created += "/path/to/setzfsmount $name";

Unfortunately, this workaround will remain necessary until the kernel
is fixed, probably on the next release.

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