Greetings FreeBSD community,

    OS: FreeBSD sun 12.2-RELEASE-p1 FreeBSD 12.2-RELEASE-p1 GENERIC  amd64

I am trying to build a netgraph vnet jail with support of official jng script that comes with FreeBSD and developed by Devin Teske.

jail.conf file

netgraph {
  devfs_ruleset = 13;
  enforce_statfs = 2;
  exec.consolelog = /var/log/bastille/netgraph_console.log;
  exec.start = '/bin/sh /etc/rc';
  exec.stop = '/bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown';
  host.hostname = netgraph;
  mount.fstab = /usr/local/bastille/jails/netgraph/fstab;
  path = /usr/local/bastille/jails/netgraph/root;
  securelevel = 2;

  vnet.interface = e0b_bastille0;
# exec.prestart += "jib addm bastille0 re0";
# exec.poststop += "jib destroy bastille0";
  exec.prestart += "jng bridge netgraph re0";
  exec.poststop += "jng shutdown netgraph" ;

When I start the jail, netgraph subsystem raise the following exception

ngctl: send msg: No such file or directory
jail: netgraph: jng bridge netgraph re0: failed

I tried also to create the netgraph bridge with not using jng script

ngctl mkpeer re0: bridge lower link0
ngctl: send msg: No such file or directory

From what I found it looks it used to work on FreeBSD 11.x and stopped working in version 12.

Any thoughts ?

Please advise


Petru Garstea

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