On Tue, Nov 17, 2020 at 12:40 PM Kyle Evans <kev...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> Hello!
> I've done some work to try and make qemu-user-static honor cpuset and
> advertise a fake hw.ncpu to emulated processes based on the number of
> cpus actually available to it.
> In doing so, I discovered that created jail's inherit the parent
> jail's cpuset mask, rather than the creating process. This is OK for
> persistent jails, as one can create the jail, cpuset(1), then jexec
> whatever tasks they want to do; but jails that would otherwise not be
> persistent have to either deal with racy cpuset(1) after creation or
> settle for instead creating a persistent jail because they need a
> specific cpuset.
> I've got this patch that I'd like to propose[0], but it's unclear if
> it's really OK to do or if anyone else cares about this. I can't see
> any theoretical problem with it off-hand, as the creating thread
> should be guaranteed to have a cpuset that's valid as a child of the
> parent prison's cpuset.
> The patch creates a new poorly-named cpuset_create_root_td KPI to
> inherit the cpuset from the creating thread, and leaves the previous
> KPI intact in case something else is using it or to leave the door
> open to adding an option to go either way with this (inherit from
> parent jail vs. inherit from thread).
> From a MAC perspective, I think it makes a lot of sense to inherit
> from the thread by default. e.g. a non-root user could be granted
> PRIV_JAIL_SET, then they're freely able to create jails using the
> parent jail's root cpuset even if they've been limited themselves via
> login.conf(5) restriction.
> For most existing use-cases, it should effectively be a nop unless
> they were cpuset(1)ing a process not expecting the created jail to
> inherit that.
> Thoughts? Thanks,
> Kyle Evans

I've pushed a pair of reviews derived from my impression of Jamie's response:


The former supports the latter, the latter effectively appropriately
'rebases' a process cpuset into the jail when it attaches rather than
the administrative action of replacing a process cpuset.


Kyle Evans
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