A little followup on this, in an attempt to virtualize my FreeBSD
router/firewall, it almost works with

The only thing the doesn't work is the vhid (CARP) on the epairxb
interface: as long as the jail is running it works, if I'm stopping the
jail the other side switch from BACKUP to MASTER, which is OK, but when
I'm starting the jail again afterwards the epairxb never goes to MASTER
mode, (it stays in BACKUP mode) although it should... any idea? is 
CARP supposed to work with epair interfaces?


On Thu, Oct 22, 2020 at 01:18:08PM +0200, Julien Cigar wrote:
> Hello,
> I've a lagg0 interface with three ports: igb0,igb1,igb2 (with LACP). On
> top of that I've several VLAN interfaces: vlan10, vlan11, vlan12 with 
> vlandev lagg0. All those vlans have ip addresses and one of them shares
> also a vhid (through CARP).
> Translated in ifconfig/rc.conf it gives (1)
> Currently I've several jails, all non-VNET, and I'd like to add a bunch
> of VNET jails through epair and bridge. I'm wondering how should it be
> done regarding the VLAN/LAGG interface(s).. (given that non-VNET jails 
> should continue to work too)?
> Some things I wonder:
> - If I'm adding a vlan interface to a bridge, I guess the IP addresses
>   should be moved to the bridge, right? How will behave the non-VNET
>   jails..? How will behave the vhid on the HOST? Should I add a tap
>   interface in the HOST on top of the bridge too?
> - From what I can read the best is to create one bridge per vlan, adding
>   the corresponding HOST vlan and the epairxa, is this correct?
> Thanks,
> Julien
> (1) 
> https://gist.githubusercontent.com/silenius/6066696fe78c95177548319f125d9c44/raw/0319e4d1cad33201ea66e2258a74f8349116fbc9/gistfile1.txt
> -- 
> Julien Cigar
> Belgian Biodiversity Platform (http://www.biodiversity.be)
> PGP fingerprint: EEF9 F697 4B68 D275 7B11  6A25 B2BB 3710 A204 23C0
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Julien Cigar
Belgian Biodiversity Platform (http://www.biodiversity.be)
PGP fingerprint: EEF9 F697 4B68 D275 7B11  6A25 B2BB 3710 A204 23C0
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