On Thu, Jun 04, 2020 at 01:38:32PM +0200, JÁKÓ András wrote:
>  Hello everyone,


> I've already asked this on forums.freebsd.org, but didn't get an answer
> yet. I hope someone can answer it here.
> I'd like to use 802.1Q tagged VLANs on an Ethernet interface, one VLAN
> per jail. I assigned VLAN subinterfaces to the jail's network stacks:
> em0 - em0.99 (host)
> em0 - em0.100 (jail0)
> em0 - em0.101 (jail1)
> Here em0 and em0.99 belong to the base system while em0.10[01] belong to
> the jails' network stacks.
> This works perfectly so far. But I didn't see this setup mentioned
> anywhere, that's why I'm curious whether this a "valid" setup, do I use
> vnet correctly? Or does it only work by accident?

In your case it's OK, but as VLAN ids are unique per interface you need
x different physical interfaces if x jails (VNET) need to be in the same
VLAN (and use the same interface).

Best option is to use SR-IOV (if your interface support it) to have
multiple virtual NIC, or use bridge + epair (which has an huge
performance impact due to locking issue in if_bridge, although this is
fixed in -CURRENT by @kp)

> I found vnet jail examples using one epair per jail, which is connected
> to the physical interface by a bridge. With tagged 802.1Q VLANs this
> could look something like the following:
> em0 - em0.99 (host)
> em0 - em0.100 - bridge0 - epair0a - epair0b (jail0)
> em0 - em0.101 - bridge1 - epair1a - epair1b (jail1)
> Here epair[01]b belong to the jails' network stacks, and all other
> interfaces to the base system. This works too, but is more complicated
> than the one without bridges and epairs.
> András
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Julien Cigar
Belgian Biodiversity Platform (http://www.biodiversity.be)
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