On Fri, 22 Jun 2018 23:13:17 +0200 "Miroslav Lachman" <000.f...@quip.cz> said
I don't know if it is better to discuss it in jail@ or stable@ list so a
do cross-post.
FreeBSD has many jail aware utilities but they are inconsistent in
taking JID as parameter.
For example "sockstat" takes -j JID "Show only sockets belonging to the
specified jail ID" and it means numeric ID only.
On the other hand "ps" takes -J JID "This may be either the jid or name
of the jail. Use -J 0 to display only host processes."
The same apply for "top", it understands jid as a number or name of the
jail too.
Then again "cpuset" takes only numerical ID of the jail...
Shouldn't it be consistent across all FreeBSD base utilities so all of
them can use numerical ID and name?
Good idea! Are you offering to create a patch? ;-)
It'd be my guess that given they weren't all created at the same time, nor
the same individual; that (quite probably?) the "jail" additions were also
added at different times, and by different people. So I'd imagine that
unless someone with a commit bit decides one day they'd like to take that
on. Someone(tm) maybe you? will need to propose a patch. :-)
Should I file a PR for it?
Miroslav Lachman
PS: I am on FreeBSD 10.4 so I don't know if something is different in
newer branches
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