James B. Byrne via freebsd-jail wrote:
I am experimenting with jails and ezjail on a FreeBSD-11.0 bhyve vm
guest.  I followed the instructions in the handbook to install ezjail
and create a jail instance.  I have connectivity issues with this jail
of which I have inquired in another message.  However, in this case I
need to discover what the following error message is telling me:

ezjail-admin update -u
src component not installed, skipped
Looking up update.FreeBSD.org mirrors... 4 mirrors found.
Fetching metadata signature for 11.0-RELEASE from
update6.freebsd.org... done.
Fetching metadata index... done.
Inspecting system... done.
Preparing to download files... done.
. . .
Installing updates...mkdir: /usr/jails/newjail//boot:
No such file or directory
mtree: /usr/jails/newjail//boot/kernel: No such file or directory
mtree: /usr/jails/newjail//boot/kernel.old: No such file or directory
touch: /usr/jails/newjail//boot/kernel.old/.freebsd-update:
No such file or directory
Could not create kernel backup directory

If these directories are required by ezjail-admin why then do they not
exist?  If they are not automatically created by ezjail then why does
the handbook not mention this fact and provide guidance on their

The /boot directory is only used by the host system during the machine boot process to load the kernel. Jails do not do this as they run under the hosts kernel. I believe ezjail does not create this /boot directory in the basejail for that reason.

As you can see in this error message
 Installing updates...mkdir: /usr/jails/newjail//boot:
there are 2 // before boot  this is a command syntax error.

I remember this problem being talked about on this list before as a ezjail bug. Looks like it has not been fixed yet.

Check the jail & questions list archives for details.

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