On Thu, December 15, 2016 2:09 pm, Miroslav Lachman wrote:
> Michael Grimm wrote on 2016/12/15 19:36:
>> [cc'd to freebsd-jail@FreeBSD.org where that thread originated]
>> Valeri Galtsev <galt...@kicp.uchicago.edu> wrote:
>>> On Wed, December 14, 2016 2:30 pm, Michael Grimm wrote:
>>>> #
>>>> # network settings to apply/destroy during start/stop of every jail
>>>> #
>>>> exec.prestart               = "sleep 2";
>>>> exec.prestart              += "/sbin/ifconfig epair${jailID} create up";
>>>> exec.prestart              += "/sbin/ifconfig bridge0 addm 
>>>> epair${jailID}a";
>>>> exec.start          = "/sbin/sysctl net.inet6.ip6.dad_count=0";
>>>> exec.start         += "/sbin/ifconfig lo0 up";
>>>> exec.start         += "/sbin/ifconfig epair${jailID}b inet ${ip4_addr}";
>>>> exec.start         += "/sbin/ifconfig epair${jailID}b inet6 ${ip6_addr}";
>>>> exec.start         += "/sbin/route add default -gateway";
>>>> exec.start         += "/sbin/route add -inet6 default -gateway
>>>> ${ip6prefixLOCAL}::254";
>>>> exec.stop           = "/sbin/route del default";
>>>> exec.stop          += "/sbin/route del -inet6 default";
>>>> exec.stop          += "/bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown";
>>>> exec.poststop               = "/sbin/ifconfig epair${jailID}a destroy";
>>>> #
>>>> # individual jail settings
>>>> #
>>>> dns {
>>>>    $jailID          = 1;
>>>>    $ip4_addr        =;
>>>>    $ip4_addr_2      =;
>> […]
>>> Michael, is it possible to have two addresses belonging to two
>>> different
>>> networks (through two different network interfaces)?
>>> Say, on host system:
>>> ifconfig_igb0="inet ...
>>> ifconfig_igb1="inet ...
>>> and in some jail
>>>     $ip4_addr        =;
>>>     $ip4_addr_2      =;
>>> - will that work? This is what didn't work for me in the past when
>>> configured jails old style in /etc/rc.conf
>> I can't answer that because I have never tried it before.
> More IP addresses on more interfaces works for me for many years even in
> old rc.conf style jails.
> Converted to new jail.conf is something like this
> costa {
> host.hostname = "costa.example.com";
> ip4.addr =;
> ip4.addr +=;
> }

Thanks, Miroslav. I do not recollect "ip4.addr += ..." that must have been
my problem (though I asked on mail lists and wasn't directed towards that,
got the answer "not possible", - I must have been unlucky then).


> As you can see, IPs are from different networks.
> We are not using auto add / remove IP on interfaces. We don't want to
> have something else to manage IP addresses. All IPs are defined in
> rc.conf on their proper interfaces.
> In this case, first jail's IP is in bge1 and the second is on nfe0 (LAN
> interface)
> I already made jail using VPN assigned IP on tun0 OpenVPN interface.
> In another words - jail doesn't care about interfaces. If there is an IP
> in the system (on whatever interface) then you can assign it to jail and
> you can assign as many IPs as you want (up to some really high limit).
> Miroslav Lachman
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Valeri Galtsev
Sr System Administrator
Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics
University of Chicago
Phone: 773-702-4247
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