On Tue, December 13, 2016 2:14 pm, Isaac (.ike) Levy wrote:
> Hi All,
> Can I specify multiple IP interfaces and assign IP’s to them using
> jail.conf?
> I have jails with IPv4/IPv6 addresses on multiple physical interfaces, as
> well as assigning a loopback.

Last time I tried it which was about year and a half ago the answer was:
no, this is not possible. Jail can only have one IP address (in addition
to loopback addresses).


> I have not found answers in the respective man pages or digging online.
> I’m finally starting to poke around to start using the impressively
> simple jail.conf subsystem to manage jails.  I have been managing jails
> with simple custom start scripts since 99’, and custom devfs rulesets
> since ~2006, so jail.conf(1) and jail_set(2) are a big welcome change for
> me- really awesome and clean :)
> --
> Additional detail to clarify my loopback use:
> In general, I always assign each jail it’s own a loopback IP somewhere
> in the RFC5735 specified range, - (simply saving for
> the jailing host), and then I simply set localhost to point at it’s IP
> in /etc/hosts for the jail.  On the host, I simply add the IP alias to lo0
> like any other interface.
> This is often overlooked in common jailing practice, but often eliminates
> complexity and confusion for many userland daemons.  For full Virtual
> Server applications, loopback is simply dotting the i’s and crossing the
> t’s.
> I can see how localhost would be challenging to automate for easy
> jail.conf configuration, mostly, in picking a loopback IP for the jail and
> not letting that get messy- etc…
> Thanks in advance for any info!
> Best,
> .ike
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Valeri Galtsev
Sr System Administrator
Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics
University of Chicago
Phone: 773-702-4247
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